LevelUp! Mentoring


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ab CHF 1'990

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LevelUp! Mentoring

LevelUp! Mentoring


Tanja Lau



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LevelUp! Fall 2024

LevelUp! Fall 2024

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Beschleunige Deine Lernkurve und booste Deine Produktkarriere mit diesem einzigartigen 5-monatigen Mentoring-Programm, bei dem Du in einer kleinen Klasse von maximal 14 Personen von erfahrenen internationalen Product Leadern von Google, Zalando, Booking.com und mehr profitierst!

Monatliche Workshops kombiniert mit 1:1-Mentoring und Coaching bringen Deine Produktkompetenzen auf das nächste Level. Die Herbst-Edition 2023 ist bereits ausgebucht. Die Fall Edition 2024 startet im August und ist bereits ausgebucht. Ab sofort nehmen wir Anmeldungen für die Spring Edition 2025 entgegen.


Gerne kannst Du Dich auch für künftige Editionen auf die Warteliste setzen lassen.


Für wen?

Dieses Programm ist für Dich, wenn...
  • Du ins Produktmanagement wechseln und das nötige Selbstvertrauen aufbauen möchtest, Dich für Deinen Traumjob zu bewerben
  • Du ein (junior) PM/PO bist, der seine Kompetenz erhöhen und bessere Produkte entwickeln möchte
  • Du ein erfahrener PM oder PO bist, der seine Fähigkeiten mit der neuesten Produktmanagement-Methodik auffrischen möchte


Unsere Trainer, Mentoren und Coaches sind erfahrene Product Leader, die die Kunst des Produktmanagements bei Unternehmen wie Google, Zalando, Trivago, Booking.com, Airbnb und anderen praktizieren. Bitte wirf einen Blick auf den Trainerbereich oben auf dieser Seite, um das komplette Line-Up zu sehen.  

Was ist inbegriffen?

  • Kick-off & vier Workshoptage in Zürich
  • zwei Einzelcoachings
  • ein persönlicher Mentor während des gesamten Programms
  • ein Study Buddy
  • Vorbereitungsmaterial für zuhause (u.a. Artikel, Videos und Übungen)


Dich erwarten sechs interaktive Workshop-Tage mit den neuesten Praktiken im Bereich Lean Product Management.
  • Kick-off (14. Januar 2025) : Rollen & Verantwortlichkeiten im agilen Produktmanagement
  • Tag 1 (10. Februar 2025): PM 101
  • Tag 2 (10. März 2025): Discovery & Delivery
  • Tag 3 (7. April 2025): Produktstrategie
  • Tag 4 (12. Mai 2025): Leadership & Personal Growth + Abschlussfeier
Lade unsere Info-Broschüre herunter, um alle Kursdetails zu sehen. INFO-BROSCHÜRE HERUNTERLADEN  


    • Die nächste Edition in der Schweiz startet im August 2024 und ist bereits ausgebucht.
    • Die Spring Edition 2025 findet vom 13. Januar bis zum 26. Mai 2025 statt (siehe Termine oben). Du solltest an allen Terminen persönlich vor Ort teilnehmen können. Wenn Du an einem Termin verhindert bist, kontaktiere uns bitte, um zu besprechen, ob die Teilnahme am Programm trotzdem möglich ist.

Gerne kannst Du Dich auch für künftige Editionen auf die Warteliste setzen lassen.



CHF 1'990 limitiertes Teil-Stipendium

Unsere Mission ist es, Diversity im Produktmanagement zu fördern. Daher bieten wir eine limitierte Anzahl an Teilstipendien an, um insbesondere Frauen und Start-ups zu unterstützen (bewerben kann sich natürlich jeder auf das Teilstipendium! Gute Chancen hast Du auch, wenn Du Deine Weiterbildung privat finanzieren musst). Mit einem Teilstipendium sparst Du CHF 2'000 gegenüber dem regulären Firmenpreis. 🙂

  CHF 3'990 regulärer Firmenpreis (exkl. 8.1% MwSt.)

Wenn jemand aus Deinem Unternehmen das Programm als Trainer, Mentor oder Coach unterstützt, hast Du Anspruch auf einen ermässigten Kurspreis von CHF 2'990 exkl. MwSt.

Folgende Leistungen sind in unserem einzigartigen Lernerlebnis inbegriffen (exkl. Deiner individuellen Reisekosten):
  • 5 Workshoptage in Zürich
  • fünf Einzel-Sessions mit Deinem Mentor
  • ein persönlicher Companion aus unserer Product Academy Family (LevelUp-Alumni)
  • ein Buddy-System innerhalb der Klasse
  • umfangreiches Vorbereitungsmaterial für das Lernen zuhause (8-12 Stunden Material pro Workshoptag)
  • Mittagessen, Getränke, Kaffee und Snacks an den Workshoptagen

Voraussetzungen & Bewerbung

Alle unsere Trainer und Coaches widmen diesem Programm viel Leidenschaft und Zeit. Daher erwarten wir von unseren Teilnehmern, dass sie diese großartige Gelegenheit optimal nutzen. Der Lernerfolgt hängt stark von Deiner Vorbereitung und aktiven Teilnahme am Unterricht ab. So bewirbst Du Dich und was wir im Gegenzug erwarten:

    • Du musst mindestens 80% der Workshop-Tage persönlich besuchen können.
    • Du erledigst alle Lese- und Hausaufgaben fristgerecht vor dem jeweiligen Workshop (erwarteter Arbeitsaufwand ca. 8 bis 12 Stunden pro Monat). Wir nehmen dies sehr ernst und bestimmte Teile der Workshop-Tage stehen möglicherweise nur Teilnehmern zur Verfügung, die ihre Aufgaben rechtzeitig eingereicht haben.
    • Du koordinierst Deine Mentoring-Sitzungen selbst (je nach Coach und Mentor remote oder persönlich).
    • Du nimmst aktiv am Unterricht teil.
    • Wir empfehlen eine frühzeitige Bewerbung, insbesondere, wenn Du Dich für eines unserer Teilstipendien interessierst.
Der Bewerbungsprozess umfasst ein Online-Formular und die Beantwortung einiger Reflexionsfragen in schriftlicher Form oder per Video.



Unsere Hauptlehrer

Tanja Lau

Founder of Product Academy
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At Product Academy, Tanja is combining her passion for continuous learning with her professional background as product leader. As founding partner of start-ups in Munich, Madrid and Zurich, she has gained valuable entrepreneurial experience which she passes on in her classes and as public speaker on various occasions. She was listed among the top 30 […]

Kristina brings 11 years of digital experience to her current role as CEO at Nuri, an online bank based in Berlin. At the beginning of her career, Kristina worked as Mobile Consultant and Account Manager for Aperto Move and icon mobile, building up mobile strategies and creating innovative mobile solutions for major clients in the […]

Alexandra Lung

VP of Product at Signaturit
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Alexandra is a product leader and a digital transformation expert who’s been in the game for more than 10 years.Originally from Romania where she worked as a consultant in new business launch. Previously held positions in marketing, communication, product strategy and development and consulting in digital transformation. She’s been building products for years touching various […]

Alexandru Bleau

ex Head of Alternative Monetization at Trivago
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Alex is a seasoned product manager with over 8 years experience. He has worked on or built advertising products, online services, mobile apps and games and physical, educational and travel products. He’s also had the chance to experience working at companies with 2, 20, 200 and over 1000 employees, trying out various ways of working, […]

Isa Steiner started her career in R&D as a research Engineer after her Computer Science studies. In 2008, she joined local.ch as an Engineering Director. After spending some years in technical leadership positions, she restarted her professional life as a human centered design consultant at Swisscom and eventually took over the PO position for the […]

Jack loves building great products that improve people’s lives and enjoys solving problems and overcoming difficult challenges. As a product leader, he believes that: great products don’t happen by accident, you can never be too customer focused and that purpose is ultimately what drives teams to achieve greatness. In the past, he served as CPO […]

Noam Ben-Haim

Senior Director Booking.com
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Ben Haim currently serves as Senior Director Marketplace at Booking.com in Amsterdam. Prior to that, he has been with Google between 2007 and 2019, in Zurich since 2008. His last position at Google involved leading the Flights and Packages product teams. Before, Ben Haim worked on Google Maps, leading all the directions related product, including […]

Colleen is currently a product manager at Airbnb, where she is building the financial ecosystem for Airbnb hosts in over 190 countries. Prior to this role, she was part of building out and scaling the Airbnb Experiences product and business after public launch in 2016. Having worked with B2B and B2C products crossing tech, hospitality, […]

Prior to his current role in Product at UBer and his previous product role at Just Eat, Anurag served a Payments Product Manager at Booking.com where he was working on building globally scalable, yet locally relevant payment solutions. He has been working in FinTech for the past 17 years. He did his Masters in Computer […]

Marton Gaspar

Principal PM at homeX
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Marton provides consultancy and coaching in product leadership, strategy and execution – drawing on 15 years experience in building and developing people, tools and processes to rapidly upskill teams in product discovery and delivery techniques and deliver fast, measurable results. He combines expertise in Product Management with knowledge of Psychology, Data Science and Chatbots to […]

Ketan Gupta

Product Lead at Booking.com
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Ketan is a Product Leader who is passionate about building ideas into great products that are beautifully designed, functional and delightful. He is currently a Product Manager at Booking.com headquarters in Amsterdam. He holds extensive experience building products at companies at different stages – startup, growth and large-scale, where he built and scaled products in […]

Andrew Martinez-Fonts

VP Product at Honeysales
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Andrew is a veteran product manager and product leader with experience at Bay Area companies like Yelp, eBay, Prosper, and Silver Spring Networks. He has a degree in Product Design from Stanford University, and spent the first five years of his career as a digital product designer at various agencies. In 2016, Andrew moved from […]

Sascha Kropf

Head of Product Management at EAO
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Sascha studied mechanical engineering and has worked in various roles in product development, including Head of R&D and Head of Product Management. With more than 20 years of experience in the B2B and MedTech sector with teams in Switzerland, Germany, USA and China, he has developed a wide range of tools. In addition to team […]

Aude Morandi-Tinguely

Director of Product at Swisscom
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After starting her career in management and marketing, Aude moved into digital product management 10 years ago. After several years as Director of Product for the classified marketplace anibis.ch at Swiss Marketplace Group (formerly Scout24), she is currently Director of Product Management at Swisscom, responsible for the discovery and development of conversational and generative AI […]

Prior to his current role in Product at UBer and his previous product role at Just Eat, Anurag served a Payments Product Manager at Booking.com where he was working on building globally scalable, yet locally relevant payment solutions. He has been working in FinTech for the past 17 years. He did his Masters in Computer […]

Carlos Paz

Product Lead at Adyen
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Carlos currently works as Product Lead at Adyen. Prior to that, he served as Senior Product Manager at Booking.com. He has worked on topics involving Growth, Pricing and Machine Learning. Before Booking,com, Carlos worked with startups as a Product Manager and also as an Entrepreneur in Residence for a Startup Accelerator in London after completing […]

Chiedza Muguti

Head of Product at Penta
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Chiedza is a committed and motivated servant leader of high performing product teams that continuously deliver successful outcomes based on collaborative ways of working and creative solution driven thinking. She is an assiduous Product Leader adept at growing and coaching teams in established corporates and scaling organisations, developing and implementing end to end organisational processes; […]

Cosima is a dynamic product lead with a dual background in Business Intelligence and Quantitative Finance. She excels in developing sought-after technological products and ensuring their ongoing success through user engagement. Cosima has played a pivotal role in leading the growth of an international startup, taking it from a small team to a successful sale. […]

Yves Studer

COO at CASASOFT / Swiss Marketplace Group
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Yves worked as a Senior Consultant for Namics/Merkle during his studies in Business Administration and Computer Science, where he was advising clients in the Financial Services area around digital services/products and all things agile. After consulting, he co-founded a circular economy startup in Germany and then joined homegate.ch as Sr. Product Manager. Here, he set […]

Dan Kreibich

Founder & CPO at SQUAKE
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Dan is an experienced venture builder and product visionary. With a background in travel-tech and sustainability, Dan has a proven track record of scaling innovative products that drive positive change. In the industry, he has worked for companies such as Flightright and later building multiple VC-backed ventures within the Lufthansa Innovation Hub. Dan is known […]

Dominique Jost

Head of Product at Doist
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Dominique is the Head of Product at Doist, makers of Todoist and Twist, where he is building a world-class, remote and async-first product organization.  Prior to that he was the CPO at Scout24 (now Swiss Marketplace Group), Switzerland’s largest network of classifieds. He started his career writing code for web applications but quickly gravitated toward […]

Diogo Coutinho is a Product leader with extensive experience in consumer and B2B products, having worked for large and medium-sized companies, as well as startups. Past companies include Telefonica, Shell, Three UK, the JUST EAT Group and Adevinta. He’s currently the CPO of CloudCall, leading the Product and Technology functions, setting the vision, strategy and […]

Fabian Kleeberger

VP Product, Stealth Startup
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Fabian spearheaded product management in award-winning growth-stage and enterprise organizations. With more than a decade of leadership experience and substantial experience across the entire lifecycle of AI products, he has been the driving force behind many complex product-led transformations. He’s built up and led modern product organizations and guided existing ones to impressive successes. His […]

Iulia Nastasa Jacobsson

Head of Product at Beekeeper
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Iulia brings experience from internships at Google and product manager jobs at ricardo and FIFa to her current position as Head of Product at the fast-growing startup Beekeeper.

Hélène Mory-Levert

Head of Product at Zenjob
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Hélène recently joined Zenjob as Product Leader for Machine Learning and Customer Journey. Prior to that, she has been driving product at Delivery Hero and in Zalando’s Sizing team, discovering and launching innovative machine learning based size guidance that helps customers find the right size online. She has been an advocate of machine learning based […]

Lukas Oldenburg holds 12 years of experience in the Digital Analytics field and works as a freelancer in Switzerland and Germany. Before deciding to start his own business, he was the Head of Analytics & BI at siroop, an ecommerce online startup in Zurich, Switzerland. Earlier, Lukas acted as Senior Consultant for Digital Analytics at […]

Magnus Hofer

Director of Product Crowdhouse
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Ketan Gupta

Product Lead at Booking.com
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Ketan is a Product Leader who is passionate about building ideas into great products that are beautifully designed, functional and delightful. He is currently a Product Manager at Booking.com headquarters in Amsterdam. He holds extensive experience building products at companies at different stages – startup, growth and large-scale, where he built and scaled products in […]

Noam Ben-Haim

Senior Director Booking.com
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Ben Haim currently serves as Senior Director Marketplace at Booking.com in Amsterdam. Prior to that, he has been with Google between 2007 and 2019, in Zurich since 2008. His last position at Google involved leading the Flights and Packages product teams. Before, Ben Haim worked on Google Maps, leading all the directions related product, including […]

Regula Marti

Head of News Product Management at Tamedia
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Regula is a product manager in the media industry, passionate about being in the intersection of technology, journalism and engaged users. She currently leads the product team for the news sites of Tamedia, including Tages-Anzeiger, Berner Zeitung and Tribune de Genève. She has been with the company for over 5 years, working in various product […]

Jakob Gehring

Director of Growth Products at Scout24
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Jakob Gehring can reflect on more than two decades of working with digital products. Starting his career in engineering, he transitioned into product management to combine his desire to understand the user with his passion for data. Over the years, he worked for different company sizes and industries while freelancing or being an employee. In […]

Nesrine Changuel

Senior Product Manager at Google
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Nesrine is a passionate and experienced product manager, advisor, and speaker. She has managed highly visible consumer products for the past eleven years including Chrome, Meet, Spotify, and Skype. Currently, she is working as Senior Product Manager at Google focusing on providing the best delightful user experience. Prior to Google, Nesrine worked as Product Manager […]

Larysa Shcherbakova is the Software Delivery Manager in Capgemini Engineering, responsible for the full project initiation and life cycle: lead management, drive solutioning and staffing, client management, delivery, and execution governance. As a professional with 15 years of hands-on experience in the Software Development industry, Larysa got international experience in all areas of product development […]

Jakob Gehring

Director of Growth Products at Scout24
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Jakob Gehring can reflect on more than two decades of working with digital products. Starting his career in engineering, he transitioned into product management to combine his desire to understand the user with his passion for data. Over the years, he worked for different company sizes and industries while freelancing or being an employee. In […]

Larysa Shcherbakova is the Software Delivery Manager in Capgemini Engineering, responsible for the full project initiation and life cycle: lead management, drive solutioning and staffing, client management, delivery, and execution governance. As a professional with 15 years of hands-on experience in the Software Development industry, Larysa got international experience in all areas of product development […]

Nesrine Changuel

Senior Product Manager at Google
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Nesrine is a passionate and experienced product manager, advisor, and speaker. She has managed highly visible consumer products for the past eleven years including Chrome, Meet, Spotify, and Skype. Currently, she is working as Senior Product Manager at Google focusing on providing the best delightful user experience. Prior to Google, Nesrine worked as Product Manager […]

Tiziano Nessi

Senior Product Manager at Sparrow Ventures (by Migros Group)
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Tiziano has worked in several companies after graduating from the EHL Hospitality Business School where he cemented his passion for hospitality and customer centricity. He worked in Berlin for many years in different fields, from e-commerce to Corporate Venture Building where he started as a Product Manager within the METRO AG group.    He successfully […]

Dominic Manwani

User Research Lead at Siemens
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Dominic is an expert in Product Discovery and is currently the User Research Lead at Siemens. He has been coaching and building user research in large, medium and small companies throughout his career. This has been achieved by building strategies from behavioural science that stem from his degrees in Psychology and Masters in Business Administration. […]

Tania Forshtadt

Product Leader at Dexter Energy
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Tania leads two products at Dexter Energy – AI Powered Forecast and Renewable Trade Optimization startup in The Netherlands, focusing on Trade optimization for renewable energy clients for the spot and intraday energy markets in Europe. Positively contributing to solving the climate crisis has been a passion for a few years and she is completely […]

Floriane Gramlich

former CPO at Zalando (Payments)
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Floriane is a senior product & commercial tech savvy leader with broad international experience in product management, strategy, growth, business development & analytics (17+ yrs work experience). Floriane is currently starting her own freelance and consultancy practice to support people and companies in getting better in doing product management. Before, she served as CPO/Director of […]

Mario Schwarz

Product Lead at Europace AG
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Mario is originally from the South of Germany where “Schaffa schaffa, Häusle baua” (meaning work, work, work and build houses) is the people’s slogan and deeply rooted into its’ culture. This has shaped his strong work ethic and high resilience while staying humble from a young age on. He is a Product Enthusiast and Leader […]

Jyoti Bhatia

Product Technical PM at Facebook (Meta)
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Jyoti hat mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung im Produktmanagement und während ihrer Zeit bei Microsoft, Instagram und Security-Unterhemen mehr als 200 Kandidaten erfolgreich gecoached. Sie ist als Mentor für verschiedene Einrichtungen tätig und hat Firmen wie BCG, Nestle oder Nike als Beraterin unterstützt. Ihre Erfahrung umfasst Lebenslauf-Reviews, Startup-Coaching, pro-bono-Arbeit für Women in Procuct, Return to […]

Aude Morandi-Tinguely

Director of Product at Swisscom
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After starting her career in management and marketing, Aude moved into digital product management 10 years ago. After several years as Director of Product for the classified marketplace anibis.ch at Swiss Marketplace Group (formerly Scout24), she is currently Director of Product Management at Swisscom, responsible for the discovery and development of conversational and generative AI […]

Vipul Agarwal

Head of App Product bei Trivago
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Vipul has been working in B2C product roles for the past 10 years, including travel tech products like Booking.com and Trivago. He has had the luxury of working on both sides of the marketplace during these past few years. Vipul really enjoys working on complex business/user problems and guiding PMs to shape better products. He […]

Ketan Gupta

Product Lead at Booking.com
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Ketan is a Product Leader who is passionate about building ideas into great products that are beautifully designed, functional and delightful. He is currently a Product Manager at Booking.com headquarters in Amsterdam. He holds extensive experience building products at companies at different stages – startup, growth and large-scale, where he built and scaled products in […]

Ketan Gupta

Product Lead at Booking.com
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Ketan is a Product Leader who is passionate about building ideas into great products that are beautifully designed, functional and delightful. He is currently a Product Manager at Booking.com headquarters in Amsterdam. He holds extensive experience building products at companies at different stages – startup, growth and large-scale, where he built and scaled products in […]

Larysa Shcherbakova is the Software Delivery Manager in Capgemini Engineering, responsible for the full project initiation and life cycle: lead management, drive solutioning and staffing, client management, delivery, and execution governance. As a professional with 15 years of hands-on experience in the Software Development industry, Larysa got international experience in all areas of product development […]

Ali Dogan

Product Manager bei Just Eat Takeaway.com
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Ali arbeitet als Produktmanager bei Just Eat Takeaway mit Fokus auf Prozessautomatisierung und internen Tools für Customer Service. Vor seiner Rolle als Produktmanager hat er mehrere Jahre lang Entwicklungsteams als Scrum Master begleitet und dabei seine Leidenschaft für das Produktmanagement entdeckt.

Larysa Shcherbakova is the Software Delivery Manager in Capgemini Engineering, responsible for the full project initiation and life cycle: lead management, drive solutioning and staffing, client management, delivery, and execution governance. As a professional with 15 years of hands-on experience in the Software Development industry, Larysa got international experience in all areas of product development […]

Ali Dogan

Product Manager bei Just Eat Takeaway.com
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Ali arbeitet als Produktmanager bei Just Eat Takeaway mit Fokus auf Prozessautomatisierung und internen Tools für Customer Service. Vor seiner Rolle als Produktmanager hat er mehrere Jahre lang Entwicklungsteams als Scrum Master begleitet und dabei seine Leidenschaft für das Produktmanagement entdeckt.

Ali Dogan

Product Manager bei Just Eat Takeaway.com
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Ali arbeitet als Produktmanager bei Just Eat Takeaway mit Fokus auf Prozessautomatisierung und internen Tools für Customer Service. Vor seiner Rolle als Produktmanager hat er mehrere Jahre lang Entwicklungsteams als Scrum Master begleitet und dabei seine Leidenschaft für das Produktmanagement entdeckt.

Miroslav Remias

Senior Product Manager at Product Board
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Miro Remias, despite holding a degree in electrical engineering, spent the last 15 years working on digital products in content, brand and product management spaces. He started his career in customer care enjoying various technical roles from where he transitioned to department leadership roles. However, his passion to deeply understand customer needs led him to […]

Miroslav Remias

Senior Product Manager at Product Board
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Miro Remias, despite holding a degree in electrical engineering, spent the last 15 years working on digital products in content, brand and product management spaces. He started his career in customer care enjoying various technical roles from where he transitioned to department leadership roles. However, his passion to deeply understand customer needs led him to […]

After transitioning from a career in fashion and communication, Francesca ”fell into product management” in the early 2010s and has been inspired by the creating digital products ever since. Throughout her journey, she has put her hands on numerous remarkable digital products across a variety of industries. Her experience spans a global community designed for girls […]

Larysa Shcherbakova is the Software Delivery Manager in Capgemini Engineering, responsible for the full project initiation and life cycle: lead management, drive solutioning and staffing, client management, delivery, and execution governance. As a professional with 15 years of hands-on experience in the Software Development industry, Larysa got international experience in all areas of product development […]

After transitioning from a career in fashion and communication, Francesca ”fell into product management” in the early 2010s and has been inspired by the creating digital products ever since. Throughout her journey, she has put her hands on numerous remarkable digital products across a variety of industries. Her experience spans a global community designed for girls […]

Preis : ab CHF 1'990 CHF

Max Verfügbarkeit : 6

Schwierigkeit : Anfänger

Standort : Zürich

Typologie : Englisch


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