Build – Measure – Learn. It all sounds so simple in theory. Yet, so many of us are trapped in some sort of feature factory. This online course is focused on one of the hardest and most valuable skills in product: asking smart questions, framing them as hypotheses and deciding which experiments and opportunities to pursue. Learn more about how to uncover risky assumptions and set your team up for successful dual-track product management of discovery and delivery. We will discuss how to work with hypothesis on a daily basis, how to trigger relevant decisions and how to contribute to transforming your company into a learning organization. Our homework assignment and pre-reading material will help us maximize the value we create in class.
Where & When?
November 12, 2024 – 08.45 till 15.30 CET
The workshop takes place remotely via zoom.
Regular Ticket: CHF 590 (excl. 8.1% VAT)
Early-Bird Ticket (until September 15, 2024): CHF 490 (excl. 8.1% VAT)
Who is it for?
Product managers, product owners, product leaders (like Head of Product, CPOs) and other product people interested in escaping the feature factory and finding product-market fit by asking the right questions.
Key Takeaways
- how to write useful hypotheses
- how to prioritize hypotheses by dealing with risk and assessing opportunities
- how to set up dual-track discovery and delivery
- how to choose the right experiment for your hypothesis
Hands-on exercises
including one homework assignment and pre-reading material
Your Trainer
Tanja Lau, Founder of Product Academy
Tanja –
“Ich bin über eine Empfehlung zu Tanja in die Product Academy gekommen und habe an einem Ein-Tages Workshop teilgenommen. Ich war sehr begeistert von dem Workshop und konnte viel lernen. Tanja hat einen sehr ganzheitlichen Blick auf Produktmanagement und bringt viele Aspekte des Change Mangements mit ein. Neben den Inhalten des Kurses, war auch der Austausch mit den anderen Teilnehmern sehr wertvoll und durch Tanjas gutes Netzwerk verknüpft sie ihre Teilnehmer auch nachträglich noch und schafft damit einen extremen Mehrwert.”
Julia Bastian, Head of Product at Alasco in Munich