Outcome-based Product Management

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Outcome-based Product Management

Outcome-based Product Management


Tanja Lau


In-house Outcomes Product Development Strategy

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Our most popular 2-day Masterclass!
Outcomes over output! More and more companies are trying to shift the mindset towards a more outcome-based way of working - and we could not be happier about it! However, in the last five years we have witnessed a major challenge in many organisations: they often lack a strong foundation.

There is no shared definition of what outcomes actually are or how to work with them. Teams find themselves trappen in a feature factory. PMs, POs and even product leaders often lack the experience of formulating actionable and condensed hypotheses that are connected to key outcomes and metrics.

In this condensed two-day workshop the participants will acquire tools and frameworks to start working with hypotheses on a daily basis, to prioritise in an outcome-driven way and to also re-frame their roadmaps based on outcomes. The additional Follow-up Call offers an opportunity to come back with additional questions once you started implementing the new frameworks and learnings in your company.

We have trained hundreds of PMs at companies like Google, Swisscom, Just Eat Takeaway.com and more with this program. You can upskill your product org in a fast way, too!

Who is this workshop for?

Product managers, product owners, product leaders (like Head of Product, CPOs) and other product people or stakeholders who would like to work in a more hypothesis-driven and outcome-based way.

We are offering this course for max. 12 participants per class. For bigger product organisations it is possible to work with several cohorts or with selected ambassadors from different teams.

What we will achieve

    • Participants will bring their own hypotheses and complete pre-readings and prep work before class.
    • In class we are going to refine selected hypotheses from the homework.
    • We will include case studies to practice working with selected prioritisation methods like Opportunity-Solution Trees.
    • There will be plenty of time for questions and real-life examples.

When and where?

  • The next open edition will be announced soon. Currently, we offer this program as In-house Training on request.
  If you are interested in taking your product team to the next level, feel free to get in touch and we will gladly create a customized offer for you.

The unique learning experience includes:
  • two full-day workshops (in Zurich)
  • a follow-up call to ask additional clarifying questions once you started applying the learnings in your organisation
  • a buddy system within the class
  • prep material for your individual homework (about 4 hours of time invest in total)
  • individual feedback on your homework (if submitted on time)
  • digital handout with the most important frameworks, templates and learnings
  • digital course certificate

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All participants will receive a Product Academy Certificate for this course.


Course Language

This workshop is taking place in English. If you would like to book it as in-house training, we can offer it both in German or English.        

Our Main Teachers

Tanja Lau

Gründerin der Product Academy

Mit der Gründung der Product Academy verbindet Tanja ihre Leidenschaft für kontinuierliches Lernen mit ihrem beruflichen Hintergrund als Product Leader. Als Gründungspartnerin von Start-ups in München, Madrid und Zürich hat sie wertvolle unternehmerische Erfahrungen gesammelt, die sie in ihren Kursen und als Speaker bei verschiedenen Anlässen weitergibt. Zuvor war sie als Senior Consultant bei Unic […]

Price : CHF

Max Availability : 12

Difficulty : Beginner Intermediate

Location : Zurich

Typology : English German
