Cor Strobos

Product Manager II at Uber






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Cor Strobos

Cor studied Sports Management, but in 2016 decided to give tech a try when starting a job in operations at Even though he identified early on that he wanted to move into a Product Role, the road ahead was long and challenging. After following courses, reading books and speaking to a lot of PMs, he managed to land his first job as a PM in 2020 at TIP in Amsterdam. He used this opportunity to practice everything he had learned and read about, allowing him to grow into his role as PM.

  Having done so, in 2021 he was able to secure a job as PM at the type of company he inspired to PM at, Uber. Since then, he’s been able to learn from some of the greatest minds in the industry launching some complex but impactful products.  

Getting into Product was a huge milestone for Cor, which many other people have contributed to. Therefore, he is now happy to get the opportunity to give back to others who face similar challenges getting into product, or who are in early phases of their career and want to become better at product management.  

His expertise is in (i) moving into Product, (ii) product management foundations (i.e. solving the right problems) and (iii) building impactful products though strong cross functional collaborations.  

He’s proficient, but not an expert, in (i) build user friendly solutions and (ii) agile vs waterfall product management.

Teacher courses reviews

Zara-LevelUp! – PM Skills

Upon meeting Tanja, the participants, and a few mentors/coaches at our kick-off, I had a extraordinarily positive feeling about the Women in Product program. This has been confirmed though very rewarding session, open exchanges with participants/trainers, froms wealth of knowledge and connections, as well as very valuable sparring with my Mentor and Coach. fromve left every workshop and mentoring session feeling more knowledgable and inspired! (Product Owner at Digitec Galaxus, Participant of LevelUp! 2019)

Agnes-LevelUp! – PM Skills

I am inspired by the trainers' dedication, energy and enthusiasm for making this programme available for us. As soon as the workshop day finished, I was already looking forward to the next one.

Fran-LevelUp! – PM Skills

One of the best boosters I ever had for my career. The insights and network I gained are priceless! Thanks, Product Academy (Product Manager CoachHub, Participant of LevelUp! 2019)

Cecilia-LevelUp! – PM Skills

Super Kurs mit tollen Vortragenden, unterhaltsamen und lehrreichen Klassen und Hausaufgaben und tollen Networking-Gelegenheiten. Empfehlenswert fr alle, die neu im Product sind oder viel mit dem Produktteam zusammenarbeiten oder sich für die gngigen Tools und Methoden interessieren. (Director of Marketing at Scout24 Schweiz)

Christine-LevelUp! – PM Skills

I just completed the Level Up course from the Product Academy. I've learned so much valuable skills that I directly can apply to my job as a Product Owner. It was a combination of Mentoring + Coaching and classes. The Product Academy offers a network of experienced product people from around the globe that will help you develop your career the way you want it. For anyone thinking about signing up: Do the exam as well. It gives you another opportunity to learn and apply the knowledge you just gained. (Product Owner at Crowdhouse in Zurich)

Elisenda-LevelUp! – PM Skills

Amazing experience with product professionals from many different areas. I did the Level Up! Edition in 2021 and have learnt way more than expected! I really recommend it to everyone starting their career in Product!

Michal-LevelUp! – PM Skills

I attended the LevelUp trainings as a product owner. The workshops were useful, fun and interesting and the homework were demanding and extremely valuable. I totally recommend any product person with a "growth mindset" and a desire to expand the network to join the program.

Agnes-LevelUp! – PM Skills

Product Academy is the best Swiss school for Product People who would like to up-skill in Product Management.

Pia Joëlle-LevelUp! – PM Skills

I recently started the product academy with a couple of inspiring womens. In a short amount pf time Tanja and all the speakers, coaches and mentors delievered a very high value. This value was big to both subgroups: new and aspiring product managers and product managers with more experience. The combination of homework, group excercises during the day and time to reflect at the end, makes this learning journey incredible powerful. I recommend to work with Product Academy, if you are looking for a steep learning curve to improve your skills and wisdom in product.

Petriina-LevelUp! – PM Skills

Product Academy's courses are so valuable for every product manager who wants to up their game! Level Up was the best professional thing that happened to me in 2020! The support in this program is above and beyond from Tanja, the coaches and mentors as well as the peers! From every workshop and piece of homework I gained new approaches to my tool kit as a product manager!

Maja-LevelUp! – PM Skills

I am attending "Women in Product" tailored courses through the Product Academy. Already while glancing through the curriculum I was sure the courses will be focused on nowadays best practices, ideas and frameworks and different from the "old school" approach. Tanja is a wonderful and authentic person who shares her knowledge in an open and thoughtful way and also has an incredibly powerful network of thought leaders in product. Great sparking energy and sharing of ideas and experiences were achieved at ease and in a trusted environment.

Vivienne-LevelUp! – PM Skills

Whether you wish to start a career in product or you face product-related challenges on a daily basis, the LevelUp! program provides you with the knowledge, tools and inspiration you need to manage products better. The workshops, homework exercises and individual mentor sessions teach you the whats and the hows that goes far beyond what you can learn from the books.

Farah-LevelUp! – PM Skills

Every module we did resonated with what I was doing in my job and instantly sparked ideas on how I could use it.

Corinne-LevelUp! – PM Skills

LevelUp! is a unique possibility to gain and strengthen product management skills together with experienced product leaders. It has helped me tremendously to advance my career and so much from my daily work is based on best practices and insights from other PMs learned throughout the course. It was such an enriching experience and I am so proud to be part of the product family and continuously benefit from this network for my personal and professional growth.

Larissa-LevelUp! – PM Skills

The most useful and insightful course I've ever taken, with and led by inspiring people!

Anais-LevelUp! – PM Skills

I highly recommend LevelUp: the program covers all fundamentals to start or build up a career in product management. The trainers, coaches and mentors share tons of experience and bring tools that one can start using right away. Being surrounded by talented product leaders was very inspiring and energising. Thank you!

Mafalda-LevelUp! – PM Skills

Product Academy really helped me to organize my understanding of Product Management and demystify this field. With many tactical tips besides the theoretic ground work, I feel much better equipped to master any role in Product Management.

Joanna-LevelUp! – PM Skills

LevelUp! program helped me to take a distance from my daily work and look closer to different aspects of being a Product Manager. It helped me to understand what the real product management is and what I like the most about it. It also brings challenges with it, as understanding your PM "North Star" and comparing it to your current experience might be tough, but on the other hand also motivating. I can say that after graduating the program I am much more confident and aware of things I know but also on the ones I have/want to improve. Thank you so much!

Yehia-LevelUp! – PM Skills

Whether you are starting in product or already advanced, Product academy is your level up


LevelUp! – PM Skills

CHF starting at CHF 1'990


Location : Amsterdam

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