At Product Academy, we strongly believe in sharing knowledge generously. If you would like to share your experience with others in a family-like setting, feel free to apply as speaker for one of our upcoming events in Zurich, Bern, Berlin and Munich or online.
You don’t need to be an experienced speaker, you don’t have to work at Google, Uber or Spotify to be selected. Our events are from humans for humans 🙂 Here is what you need to know:
What we are NOT looking for:
❌ polished pr superficial talks that oversimplify the real challenges of product management
❌ tons of slides
❌ hidden sales pitches
We would love to see you on stage if you
✅ you would like to share personal and relatable stories (p.ex. f***-ups and what you learned from them)
✅ you are going to provide concrete insights into your practices, frameworks
✅ you are able to share a real case study
Our community team is looking forward to your proposals